Q. Who can sign up for the official Colorado No-Call List?
A. As of May 2001, Colorado residential telephone customers were able to register their telephone and fax numbers for the list. As of June 1, 2003, wireless telephone numbers also can be registered. A Colorado resident must provide the residential, wireless, or fax telephone number and his or her zip code. The person does not have to provide any other identifying information.

Q. Can businesses sign up for the official Colorado No-Call List?
A. The Colorado No-Call Law does not apply to businesses.

Q. How do I sign up for the list?
A. You can sign up by using the website at or by calling 800-309-7041.

Q. Do I have to pay to list my residential, wireless, or fax telephone number(s) on the list?
A. There is no charge to residential, wireless, or fax telephone number(s) subscribers. Telemarketers pay fees to fund the program.

Q. When should I sign up for the list?
A. The website and toll free number are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. To avoid busy times, you may want to avoid calling or using the website during business hours.

Q. How was the Colorado No-Call Program started?
A. The Colorado General Assembly approved House Bill 01-1405 that established the creation of a telemarketing No-Call List for residential telephone subscribers. Gov. Bill Owens signed the bill into law on June 6, 2001.

Q. What did the legislation do?
A. The bill ordered the Colorado Public Utilities Commission to contract no later than Jan. 1, 2002, with a designated agent, whose responsibility it is to maintain the website and database containing the Colorado No-Call List. The PUC also was ordered to promulgate rules establishing the program no later than April 1, 2002. The law stated that the list was to be developed no later than July 1, 2002, and enforcement was to begin on that date.

Q. Who is the designated agent and how was the agent selected?
A. In late 2005, the Public Utilities Commission issued a Request For Proposal for the administration of the Colorado No-Call List program. Five companies submitted proposals and a Colorado company, Data Protection Group, LLC, was selected as the designated agent for the operation of the no-call program for three years, beginning January 1, 2006. The Colorado No-Call List program originally began in 2001, and was first administered by another Colorado company, InsightAmerica.

Q. What is the schedule for updating the list?
A. See the chart below.

If You Sign Up
Between the Following Dates:
Telemarketers Must Update
Their Lists By:
Complaints or Private Legal Actions
May Be Filed
On or After:
January 1 - March 31 April 30 May 1
April 1 - June 30 July 31 August 1
July 1 - September 30 October 31 November 1
October 1 - December 31 January 31 February 1

Q. Why do I have to wait to file a Complaint?
A. The designated agent is to provide telemarketers with an updated list each quarter. Updated lists will be provided to telemarketers on Oct. 10, Jan.10, April 10 and July 10. Telemarketers then have 20 days to update their lists. A residential telephone subscriber can then file a complaint on or after the date the telemarketing company should be using an updated list.

Q. What happens when I file a complaint?
A. Complaint information will be shared with the Colorado Attorney General's Office or other law enforcement offices for possible enforcement action if there is a demonstrated pattern of statutory violations. Consumers may also pursue private remedies, such as a small-claims court action, under the Colorado Consumer Protection Act.

Q. What constitutes a violation?
A. By law, no state enforcement action may be brought against a person or entity for fewer than three calls per month to any number that is on the Colorado No-Call List. State enforcement actions will only take place when there are 3 or more calls in a month to any number on the list. Calls do not need to be made to the same number 3 or more times in a month.

Q. Will some telemarketing calls still be permitted?
A. Yes, by law certain telemarketing calls and faxes are still allowed. They are calls:
* To any residence with that resident's prior express invitation or permission.
* By or on behalf of any person or entity with whom a resident has an established business relationship.
* For 30 days after a resident has contacted a business to inquire about the potential purchase of goods or services or until the resident requests that no further calls be made, whichever occurs first.
* By or on behalf of a charitable organization that is required to and that has complied with the notice and reporting requirements of section 6-16-104 C.R.S. or is excluded from such notice and reporting requirements by section 6-16-103(7) C.R.S.
* Made for the sole purpose of urging support for or opposition to a political candidate or ballot issue; or
* Made for the sole purpose of conducting political polls or soliciting the expression of opinions, ideas or votes.

Q. What are the fees telemarketers must pay to register?
A. See the chart below.

Number of EmployeesFee Amount
0 - 4 Employees $0.00
5 - 10 Employees $350.00
11 - 50 Employees $450.00
51 - 100 Employees $480.00
101 - 250 Employees $485.00
251 - 400 Employees $490.00
401 - 1000 Employees $495.00
Greater Than 1001 Employees $500.00

Q. Will fees for telemarketers change in the future?
A. The PUC will set the fees each year and the new fees will become effective Jan. 1 of each year.